Seventeen is too young to be messed with.

Seventeen is too young to be messed with.
"All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, and always will exist."


#1. Fate vs. Free Will

"There is really no such thing as what might have been. There's what happened and what will happen. I've just had to realize that what might have been is imaginary, and it's this beautiful illusion of how it could have been if you had just done this right ... But things don't line up ... and you mess up for a reason." -Taylor Swift

I've always imagined that the future was dependent upon the decisions we come up with, that the future was silly putty which could be molded to our liking. But over time, I've figured out that the future is something both unfathomable and untouchable. It's a beautiful thought, believing in free will. However, I realized that I don't always have free will because life happens.You don't determine the life you're born into. You can't pick your family (though sometimes we wish we could) or choose what you look like (besides with plastic surgery). There's also only one Paris Hilton in the world. She didn't choose to be born into a world of glamour. It just so happened. Most people aren't that fortunate. And some people are born into poverty. Some people have to pour cold water onto their cereal because they can't afford milk. This is fate's play.
The power of free will is also nonexistant in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five. Billy Pilgrim never chose to be abducted by the Tralfamadorians. I know that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. But not everything that happens can be explained with that logic.
The question still stands. Why Billy Pilgrim?
Life is like a road, paved with thousands upon thousands of forks in the path. I suppose it's what you do with your situation that determines your life. But I think whether you turn left or you turn right, the path you tread on is the one you were meant to take. The other path is a "beautiful illusion". In your mind it stands as something that could have happened, but in reality it could never have happened. My mantra has always been that everything happens for a reason. That good things fall apart so that better things can fall together. I'd be living a life of regret at this point if I didn't believe in fate.
That's my take on this.

"There's a peace in knowing that all things that turned into dead ends turned into dead ends for a reason. If I felt a different way, it would be hard to sleep at night." -Taylor Swift

Unstuck in Time

This is my S-5 blog, dedicated to my ENG 3UN blog assignment.

Here's the DL: I have a fascination with the essence of time, which will become apparent as I update this blog. The titles of my posts will sometimes seem completely irrelevant to the body. Those are song lyrics that do in fact capture the main idea of my post.

I'm just a little quirky.

"Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."
-Tralfamadorian, Slaughterhouse Five